Organic Pearl Mille - Rajamudi Millets | Rajamudi
Pearl Millet is the most widely grown of all millets. It is also known as bulrush millet, babala, bajra, cumbu, dukhn, gero, sajje, sanio and souna.
Pearl Millet is a traditional crop in Western Africa, particularly in the Sahel; in Central, Eastern and Southern Africa; and in Asia, in India and Pakistan and along the southern coast of the Arabian peninsula.
Pearl Millet has been recently introduced as a grain crop in the southeastern coastal plain of the United States, where it has been used as a summer forage. Peral Millet can be grown on poor, sandy soils in dry areas that are unsuitable for maize, sorghum or finger millet. It is summer cereal grass with large stems, leaves and heads. It is more efficient in its utilization of moisture than sorghum or maize.
The grain grows on condensed panicles (spiked) 10 to 150 cm in length. Pearl Millet has the highest yield potential of all millets under drought and heat stress.
(Hindi: Bajra, Tamil: Kambu, Telugu: Gantilu, Malayalam: Kambam.)
Description: The ovoid grains of 3 to 4 mm in length and peal green in colour.
- Sortex Cleaned and Superior Quality Consistency in taste, aroma and quality across the year Hygienic packing and best quality control processes Packed in transparent covers to display product quality
- Organic certified
- Bajra Dalia or kambu koozh is rich in fiber, minerals, and protein
- Hygienically Packed
- Bajra Dalia is one of the ancient millet that was used by our ancestors.